Determining Ways to Find Funds For The PTA


The officers of the parents and teachers association in our school were planning to raise some money so that they could have funds for their project. They were asking us parents for any suggestions on how to generate funds. During the general assembly, one parent suggested that we will have a rummage sale. Another said that we should organise a fun run. Still another suggested that the PTA should stage a bingo game. It was decided in the meeting that the association will first have a rummage sale. This was because a rummage sale is easy to set up.

The only problem we can see in implementing the rummage sale is how to disseminate the news to the neighborhood. Some parents recommended that we should advertise in the local newspaper. Another parent said that we can make use of the communications notebooks of the children. We can put the details of the rummage sale so that parents, teachers, and students will be able to know about it and tell their family and all the people they know. Still another parent said that it would be better to have a tarpaulin printed and hanged near the entrance of the school.

We liked all the suggestions and followed them. Then we looked for printing services online so that it would be easy for us to send the file to the printing company. We just have to make sure that the company we chose must offer high quality & low cost. We also made sure that the company can offer fast delivery of the tarpaulin. It was a good thing that a teacher who was good with applications like Photoshop was present during the meeting. He was assigned to create the file to be submitted to the printing company.

After creating the file containing all the necessary details, the said teacher presented it to the president and vice president of the association. They liked what he created so he sent the file to the printing company. The officers told the teacher to order two tarpaulins. The next day the school received the tarpaulin and hanged one outside the school. The other tarpaulin was placed on the highway nearest the school. On the day of the rummage sale, many people commented that they know about the sale because they have seen the tarpaulin on the highway. Still, others said that they read about it in the newspaper. And the parents read about the activity in their children’s communications notebooks.

The rummage sale was a resounding success! Many parents participated and placed their used clothing, shoes, toys, and accessories up for sale. Even the director of the school had things for sale. Many parents said they participated since they will get half of the proceeds of the sale. The other half will be given to the PTA as part of their funds. The officers of the association were so thankful to the parents who participated in the rummage sale. They were also thankful to the director for giving permission to hold the sale in the school grounds.